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Ray Harryhausen

As mentioned here, finally the post about Ray Harryhausen—not before time, as his work loomed large in my childhood!

(I’m assuming everyone knows who Ray is, and what stop-motion animation is…)

Stop-motion is, of course, long since deprecated, especially since the wonders of CGI took over everything and made the world of cinema so much more entertaining and lovely. Maybe I’m being a little facetious. Maybe I just prefer the human touch and don’t feel shiny perfection is the be-all and end-all of everything. How old-fashioned!!

Ray, like everyone else who saw it as a kid, became absolutely obsessed with the original King Kong (1933) when he got to see it during its original run. The ground-breaking visuals in Kong (especially the stop-motion work) inspired Ray to pursue the field himself. Unlike everyone else, he actually got to meet FX pioneer Willis O’Brien, who became his mentor.

Kong was my absolute fave as a little kid (still is, really). Well, how could you not love this fella?

King Kong

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2021 Viewing (Q4)

Finally—2021’s fourth-quarter viewings… Q3 can be viewed here.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents season 7 (DVD)
Wanted Dead Or Alive season 3 (DVD)
Have Gun Will Travel season 4 (DVD)
Star Trek: The Original Series season 3 (Blu-ray)
Naked City season 2 (DVD)
The Phil Silvers Show season 3 (DVD)
Flash Gordon’s Trip to Mars 1938 serial (DVD)
Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe 1940 serial (DVD)
King of the Rocket Men 1949 serial (DVD)
Batman 1943 serial (DVD)
Superman 1948 serial (DVD)
Hancock/Hancock’s Half Hour various of the surviving episodes (DVD)

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Dogs In Glasses

What I think this blog lacks of late is dogs. In this case, dogs wearing specs!

Top pic is of the late, great Fred (2004-2018), thus attired in May 2016. The second pic is of the beauteous Tikki, actually sitting in almost the same spot as her much-missed uncle, circa June 2019…

Dogs In Glasses

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