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Two Portraits: Bowie & Slaughter

Couple of recent commission pieces: David Bowie and old-time horror icon Tod Slaughter!

David Bowie (2024)

Worth noting: although the Bowie one says January, it sat around for a while and the background rendering & colours were added later. I had considered it finished, but I decided these additions would improve it… I think I was right.

Two Portraits: Bowie & Slaughter

On a regrettable note, it looks as though the Tod piece (mailed to the US) has been either stolen or lost in transit! 🙁 I am quite angry and disappointed about this; there’s no evidence it was ever received by Parcelforce Worldwide, but the Post Office insists PF collected it. A furious whirl of passing the buck and a deadlock. Thankfully, it was insured for its full value. And I expect to be working on another Tod quite soon. But, honestly, this is shambolic stuff—and quite unacceptable.

2 thoughts on “Two Portraits: Bowie & Slaughter”

  1. Over the past 25+ years, prices and incompetence within the British postal system have risen both rapidly and in tandem. The concept of charging a fair rate for physically moving an item from one location to another, undamaged and within an agreed time frame, then fulfilling that contract in full, seems to have escaped these scam artistes.

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